Many opportunities for Quantum Frequency
with the K9 Spirit Guides
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form media related to spiritual growth, healing, energetic expansion, the K9 spirit guides, and all things quantum.
No particular release schedule
Just whenever the K9SG prompt me to create and post!
Check out the 100's of videos I already have posted here!
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To be a guest on my show please complete this form. I will consider your request and get back to you. Thank you for your interest!
If you would like to invite me to be a guest on your show, please complete this form. Once I review you information I will send you all my media info. I am humbled by the opportunity to collaborate with you!
Advertisers Wanted
I am accepting a few aligned people/companies to occupy advertising spots on my shows (Broadcast and Syndicated Radio) for a very affordable exchange with international, targeted exposure. If you feel this is a perfect opportunity for you, please follow the link!

"Hindsight gives us empowering clarity when we utilize it for understanding. Painful memories can be transmuted into magical gifts of overwhelming gratitude for those who have volunteered their service in our growth."
Heather Leigh Strom
"K9 Spirit Guides: The Healing Power of Man's Best Friend"
Synergistic Consciousness LLC
Heather Leigh Strom
Tel. 719.413.6848
Colorado Springs, Colorado USA

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